Episode 016: Herbal Pantry: Cooling Herbs

Sending warm love from the beginning of summer!

Excess heat, whether from summer or internal energetic influences, can be completely uncomfortable and create tension and pain. In this episode, I talk about the natural element of fire and how cooling herbs can be a rescue when it is out of balance in our lives.

Herb Sources:
Zack Woods Farm
Companion Plants

Many apologies for the sound quality of this episode! 🙏 I had some inside challenges and at the last minute recorded outside – I hope the birds and construction noises are not annoying and distracting xoxo ❤

Please SHARE this episode with someone who may also be fascinated by herbal medicine. Help me to spread my passion for kitchen medicine and make everyone’s home a place of herbal wisdom. 🌿✨

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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