Episode 022: Kitchen Medicine: Cherry Cordial

Sending you a big hug from my kitchen!

Reluctant to ignore summer fruit in their abundant peak, I am infusing my favorite, cherries, to make a cordial. If you are preserving your favorite fruit by making jams, pickles or drying consider this as an alternative option.

Cherry Cordial Recipe🍒
2 quart or 1 half gallon size jars
2 1/2 pounds of cherries, stems removed, washed
2 1/2 cups sugar
1½ vanilla bean
⅛ cup cardamom pods
2 cups bourbon
½ cup brandy
Place cherries into jar (no need to seed)
Add the cardamom and vanilla bean, then sugar and bourbon.
Put on lid, shake. Label.
Strain after 3 weeks, bottle liquid

Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen
Washing produce that is not organic
Study on washing produce to remove pesticides

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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