Episode 030: Kitchen Medicine: Wild Cherry Cough Syrup

Big huge hug sending out to you!

Coughs can be so uncomfortable. Coughs can linger after the cold has long gone. Herbal cough syrups hold possibility to soothe and quiet a cough or support expectoration. Today’s kitchen medicine has three steps and uses three herbs combined to make a cough syrup that keeps in the refrigerator for when you need it.

Ingredients for Wild Cherry 🍒 Cough Syrup:
Dried Mullein Leaf
Dried Wild Cherry Bark
Dried Angelica Root
Tinctures: 2 ounces each of Wild Cherry, Mullein Leaf and Angelica Root

Cough Syrup Recipe Instructions:
Day 1: make teas (measure as volume in glass measuring cup) ☕️
Wild Cherry Bark
6 ounce dried wild cherry bark
6 ounce room temperature or cool water
Combine in glass jar with lid
Let sit, covered at room temperature overnight or 12 hours. Strain.
Refrigerate until ready to use
Mullein Leaf
4 ounce dried mullein leaf
4 ounce hot water
Combine and steep for 30 minutes. Strain
Refrigerate until ready to use

Day 2: make honeys 🍯
Mullein Leaf
1 ounce prepared strong mullein tea
1 ounce honey
Gently warm tea, then stir in honey until dissolved
Angelica Root
5 ounce dried angelica root
5 ounce honey
Combine angelica root and honey in top of double boiler. Add 1-2 inches of water to bottom of double boiler and heat to gentle simmer. Add top of double boiler and cover. Simmer on lowest heat for 6-8 hours, stirring occasionally. Add more honey if needed so angelica root remains immersed in it. Strain while still warm.

Day 3: finish syrup 🥄
Measure 2 ounces of each tincture – angelica root, mullein leaf, wild cherry bark
Combine honeys, tea and tinctures in large(32oz) glass measuring cup. Stir to combine.
Pour into smaller bottles using a funnel for neatness. Label. Keep in refrigerator.

Mountain Rose Herbs – source for dried herbs
Jim McDonald, Herbalist – herbcraft.org
Juliet Blankespoor’s Online Herbal Immersion
Herbalist & Alchemist – source for tinctures
Specialty Bottle – source for glass medicine bottles

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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