037 Red Clover Monograph

Sending much love to you!

Lovely red clover may be a weedy and grow wild, but it is not to be overlooked as a medicinal herb. This full monograph delves into all of its nuances from garden friend to delicious tea to profound remedy.

Note on Photo: On a recent travel adventure to Romania, I realized that with plants as your friends you are never far from home or alone. Many times, I would look down and see a familiar face in the form of herbs I love most. Here in front of Bran Castle, also known as Dracula’s Castle, deep in the heart of Translvania – I found the beautiful Trifolium pratense, red clover!

Strictly Medicinal Seeds
David Winston’s Alterative Formula from Herbalist & Alchemist

Celebrated Herbalists:
David Winston
Michael Moore
David Hoffmann
Matthew Wood

Red Clover Fritter Batter Recipe:
– 1 Cup Flour
– 1 Tsp baking powder
– 2 Tbsp vanilla extract
– 1 Egg
– ¼ Cup melted butter
– ¾ Cup milk

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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