Episode 002: Kitchen Segment — An Invitation to Tea

Explore the art and science of kitchen herbalism. Each episode delves into the fascinating world of botanical medicine — how it can enhance our lives and support our well-being. Build your own personal kitchen apothecary, a medicine cabinet stocked with all that is good for your families, friends and yourself.

Big love to you!

On this first kitchen segment of An Herbal Diary, Dina invites you into her kitchen for a discussion on herbal tea preparation. Pull up a stool, come sit and enjoy!

Get the recipe

Herbal Tea Blend 🍵
Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
Linden Flower (Tilia cordata)
Milky oat tops (Avena sativa)
Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citriodora)
Rose petals (Rosa damascena)

Suggested sources for dried herbs:
[Mountain Rose Herbs] [Rosemary’s Garden]

Please SHARE this episode with someone who may also be fascinated by herbal medicine. Help me to spread my passion for kitchen medicine and make everyone’s home a place of herbal wisdom. 🌿✨

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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