Episode 008: Garden Visit with Nettle

Big Hug To You!

Welcome to my backyard.. I’m talking nature awareness, plant people, growing and gathering nettle.☀
Pardon the contractor noise.

Outfit: gardening gloves, long sleeves, long pants
Favorite Garden Gloves


  • Pick planting space carefully
  • Plant seeds sparingly
  • Wear gloves when touching fresh nettles
  • Offer gratitude and gift prior to picking nettles
  • Cut top 4-5 leaves with small pruners
  • Collect fresh nettles in a sturdy pot or bag
  • Steam or dry quickly after gathering

Sources to buy nettle
Companion Plants
Strictly Medicinal Seeds
Seeds from Mountain Rose Herbs

Book review:
Deb Soule’s How to Move Like a Gardener: Planting and Preparing Medicines from Plants
Avena Botanicals

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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