Episode 009: Herbal Monograph for Nettle

Big Love To You!

Materia Medica is a fancy way of telling a plant’s story and the herbal monograph documents it in an organized way. In this episode I share my own monograph on nettle. 🌿📜

You can find the full nettle profile HERE but here’s a quick episode recap:

* plant personalities and their stories
* considerations for growing nettle for medicine
* where to buy
* using fresh nettle in cooking
* herbal nettle preparations
* specific indications for nettle as medicines

Matthew Wood’s Books
Susan Weed | Wise Woman Way
7song | Northeast School of Botanical Medicine

Avena Botanicals
Local Herb Growers
Mountain Rose Herbs
Herbalist & Alchemist

Please SHARE this episode with someone who may also be fascinated by herbal medicine. Help me to spread my passion for kitchen medicine and make everyone’s home a place of herbal wisdom. 🌿✨

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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