Episode 011: Kitchen Medicine: Prebiotics from Herbal Roots

Sending a big hug to you!

Digestion is foundational to our health and well-being. Today we focus on herbal roots that provide inulin. This prebiotic is vital to keeping the friendly microbes in our body happy as well as our digestion. And then I’m back in the kitchen to make super easy electuaries with powdered roots. 🍠🍯

Herbal Root Prebiotic Electuaries
1 1/2 parts (1 1/2 tsp) dried burdock root powder, Arctium lappa
1 part (1 tsp) dried dandelion root powder, Taraxacum officinale
1 1/2 parts (1 1/2 tsp) dried chicory root, powder, Cichorium intybus
1 1/2 parts (1 1/2 tsp) dried marshmallow root powder, Althaea officinalis
1 part (1 tsp) cacao powder, Theobroma cacao
1/8 part (1/8 tsp) dried ginger powder, Zingiber officinale
2 1/2 parts (2 1/2 tsp) organic maple syrup (approximately)
Grind herbs in a spice grinder to a fine powder. Mix all ingredients together, adding the maple syrup gradually to form a thick paste. With hands roll into 1/4 inch round, small balls.

Sources for dried herbs

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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