Episode 019: Materia Medica: Calendula

Sending a warm and sunny hug to you!

Bright orange calendula flowers resemble rays of sunshine. As a warming, soothing herbal remedy calendula supports skin health, wound healing and so much more.

Sources for Calendula(Calendula officinalis):
Fresh Calendula:
Local Grower Resource from Mountain Rose Herbs
Dried Calendula and Topical Calendula Oil & Salve
Mountain Rose Herbs
Frontier Co-op
Strictly Medicinal Herbs
Herbalist & Alchemist
Avena Botanicals

Juliet Blankespoor and the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine
Rosemary Gladstar’s Books
Herbal Recipes for Vibrant HealthMedicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide

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Original music composed by Dylan Rice — singer, songwriter, guitarist.

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